Elveden Schools Trust

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Our Trustees

The directors are accountable to the members, who have certain rights under company law. Subject to the articles, the members generally have powers to appoint directors to the Board. It would be commonplace for an Executive Headteacher, or Chief Executive, to be appointed as one of the directors

Lynne Proudlock -Chair of Trustees

Chair of Governors at Elveden C of E Primary Academy Expertise: Education and SEN/ Ex Head Teacher (Specialist provision)

A couple of years ago I retired from a career in education which included both secondary and primary schools. However I later specialised in the SEN sector and enjoyed the headship of three very different settings. Although I no longer work in education my passion for children’s learning has not diminished nor has my belief in every child having an equal opportunity to fulfil their true potential.
Two of my grandchildren very happily attend Elveden Academy and I am honoured to play a part in the education of them and their peers.
In spare time I enjoy gardening, reading and taking part in Forest Schools. However time spent with the grandchildren is my biggest joy.

Term of office: 10.09.24-10.09.28

Lorna Rourke -CEO 

Expertise: Executive Head Teacher/School improvement/ Curriculum/Health & Safety/Governance/HR/Coaching & Mentoring/NPQEL




 Term of office: 10.09.24-10.09.28

Tim Kenworthy

Expertise: Business, Finance, Logistics, Property Investment and Hospitality

Firstly, may I say how delighted I am to be appointed as a Trustee of this forward thinking Multiple Academy Trust and to join a team of dedicated professionals with a wide range expertise to help navigate a positive path not only for the trust but importantly for the children within its care.

I hope to bring my experience in Finance, Risk Management, Commerciality, Business Acumen and Human Resources to aid in the running of the Trust, through challenging and offering solutions to the Board. An experience gained in running multiple business sites for 30 years in the hospitality sector and latterly running along with my wife our own multi-site logistics company.

Term of office: 10.09.24-10.09.28

Tamsin Minty

Expertise: Architecture, Building Energy Consultancy , low-energy buildings, premises,

Elveden Governor.

With two boys attending Elveden Academy I feel it would be a privilege to become part of the governing body of this wonderful, nurturing and forward-thinking Trust.
My professional background is in Architecture and having started my career at N.P.S I have worked with many schools going through construction work to expand and improve their facilities. I now run my own Building Energy Consultancy with a clear focus on low-energy buildings.
I would welcome the opportunity to help Elveden Schools Trust in any way I can for the benefit of the
children and the Elveden Village community, where I live with my family.
When I am not busy with my boys, I can be found walking our dogs or cycling through the
local forests. 

Term of office: 10.09.24-10.09.28 

Rev. Paul Tams

Expertise: Education, SIAMS, community links

I have been involved in education for many years and taught in a Middle School both before and after my ordination. My experience was not only in the classroom but also in school management, timetabling, budgets and policy.
I am the adopted father of three children and so, have experienced schools as a parent of children with special educational and emotional needs.
I was ordained in 1990 and was a Rector of three parishes, Elveden, Santon Downham and Lakenheath. I have a chocolate Labrador and enjoy walking, cooking and gardening.


 Term of office: 10.09.24-10.09.28

Sonia Radley

Expertise: Education, pastoral care, compliance, curriculum development and monitoring





 Term of office: 10.09.24-10.09.28


Angela Dauny

Expertise: Law, property, land, sales and purchasing


I have two children who attend Elveden Academy. I enjoy the opportunity to support the school when they do so much to help them. Being part of the Trust gives me an insight in to the day to day challenges it faces. It also gives me an appreciation of the opportunities the Trust provides. 

I have worked locally in Property Law for over 20 years. My work involves a lot of analysis, communication and pressure. I am able to use these skills to assist the Trust when reviewing and analysing procedure documentation and also evaluate future proposals. 

I really enjoy the opportunity to be an active part of the exciting times ahead for the Trust.

Term of office: 10.09.24-10.09.28 

Helen Robertson

Expertise: Finance 

I have 6 years experience as Finance Manager, and another 15 years in finance before that. I have worked in roles from Finance Assistant to Senior Management Accountant and I'm CIMA qualified.

I am looking forward to offering my finance knowledge to help with the operation of the new trust and learning more about education.

Term of office: 10.09.24-10.09.28

Caroline Sadler

Expertise: Primary education, Teacher training, Pupil Premium and SEND, research, counselling, Geography

Caroline started her teaching career in London and gained many fantastic opportunities to develop both her subject knowledge and leadership skills. She has taught in large maintained primary schools and a preparatory school in London, plus she has also been a KS3 Geography teacher within the independent sector. She was a Headteacher for ten years in Kent and in this role led a junior school out of special measures, plus she was a Headteacher of both good and outstanding Ofsted rated schools too. Her headships were in economically deprived areas of Kent, which meant they had many disadvantaged children, and this resulted in her being a key speaker at the annual Kent County Council disadvantaged pupil conference due to the progress that this group of children made at her school. She also has a lot of experience of both teaching children with SEND having been a Headteacher of schools that had specialist resource provisions for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Hearing Impairments too, which is where she learnt British Sign Language.

Term of office: 10.09.24-10.09.28


The Trust Board has 2 committees:

• Finance, Audit and Risk Committee- incorporating personnel, pay and performance
• Standards and Ethos committee

Each academy will then have its own Local Academy Committees (LAC) which are responsible for making day-to-day decisions at their academy, of course with support from the academy’s Headteacher/Head of School and Senior Leadership Team (SLT).