Our Members
Jane Sheat
Corporate Member St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocese
Expertise: Headteacher appointments, Academy strategy, Small schools, Collaboration between schools/Diocesan Director of Education
Lynne Proudlock
Chair of Governors at Elveden C of E Primary Academy
Expertise: Education and SEN/ Ex Head Teacher (Specialist provision)
A couple of years ago I retired from a career in education which included both secondary and primary schools. However I later specialised in the SEN sector and enjoyed the headship of three very different settings. Although I no longer work in education my passion for children’s learning has not diminished nor has my belief in every child having an equal opportunity to fulfil their true potential.
Two of my grandchildren very happily attend Elveden Academy and I am honoured to play a part in the education of them and their peers.
In spare time I enjoy gardening, reading and taking part in Forest Schools. However time spent with the grandchildren is my biggest joy.
Andrew Blenkiron
Elveden Estate Manager
Expertise: Business, Finance, Property and Estate management
Andrew Blenkiron is the Managing Director of Elveden Farms Ltd in Suffolk, this includes
a substantial and varied in-hand farming operation, two public houses, a farm shop/café,
forestry, hedge and Christmas tree business, a residential and commercial property
portfolio and various other commercial and charitable activities. His previous experience
has included working in rural businesses in every region and most soil types in England,
from Dorset to Northumberland.
Andrew comes from a family farming background, with his grandparents having run a
small, tenanted hill suckler and sheep farm in Nidderdale, Yorkshire, he has just
completed a term as the Chairman for National Farmers Union in Suffolk and he sits on
various Agricultural industry boards and committees, he is a Professional Fellow of the
institute of Agricultural Management and a Fellow of the Royal Agricultural Societies, for
which he is presently the chairman of the English panel.
In his spare time, Andrew is involved in a number of local community initiatives and
enjoys sharing his wife’s passion for all things equine, including breeding event horses
and showjumpers.